Friday, June 6, 2014

Books Vs eBooks

              For my fifteenth birthday, my mom got me a kindle. She knew that I loved reading and she said that she heard good things about the kindle. At first, I was a little skeptical. I didn't know how I would feel about reading a book where I couldn't turn pages, or skip to the end and ruin the book for myself (which I did a lot). The first book I bought was Its Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini. The book was not my favorite, but It was interesting. However, reading on the kindle was so weird. I didn't like how light it was in my hands and that every time I accidentally tapped the screen, the page would change. I continued to get all of my books from the library. Eventually, going to the library every few days became and pain and I couldn't read nearly as many books as I wanted to. This being said, I picked up my kindle again. I bought a book called On the Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves, and I loved it. From that point on, I read all of my books on the kindle.
              That being said, I would defiantly say that I like eBooks better than regular books. It's not that I don't like regular books or don't read them anymore because I do. Its just that I read so fast that most of the time I start a book and, by the end of the day, I've finished it and moved on to another. This caused a lot of trips to the library. The kindle made it more convenient for me to get books quickly. Also, I've always had trouble finding new books to read. Amazon makes this easy, and it gives you suggestions as to what books you would like based on what you have read before. This is where I find all of my books now. I learned to love how light it was, and how I could read any of these books that I bought at any time. I would never be able to carry around the amount of hard-copies compared to the eBooks that I have in my kindle. One other thing that I enjoy about eBooks are how they are cheaper than regular books. Overall, I really like eBooks better because of how convenient they are, and how they are much cheaper than regular books.

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