Monday, June 9, 2014

My Favorite Book Series.

       Most of the novels that I've read are part of a trilogy at least. This being said, I love when a story carries on to more than one book. I have read a bunch of series of books such as The Hunger Games trilogy, Harry Potter, the Divergent trilogy, and the Mortal Instruments. There is one series of books that sticks out as my favorite. My favorite series would be The Infernal Devices.
        The Infernal Devices consists of three novels. They are called Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince, and Clockwork Princess. It takes place in the 19th Century. It is considered a prequel to The Mortal Instrument series. These novels are in the perspective of Tessa Gray, who has recently left her home of New York to follow her brother to London. Upon arriving in London, Tessa gets captured by two warlocks who show her that she has a power to shape shift into anyone else. They say that they have her brother and that if she listens to them, he will remain unharmed. They also say that they are getting her ready so she can marry "The Magister". One day, someone sneaks into Tessas room and tells her that he will help her escape. His name is William Herondale. He is a shadowhunter and was sent there to kill the Dark Sisters (The warlocks who were holding Tessa hostage). They escape and go back to the London Institute where the rest of the Shadowhunters are. The trilogy follows Tessa in her discovery of the shadow world , and Will (along with the rest of the shadowhunters: Charlotte, Henry, Jem, and Jessamine) in their battle against the Magister and the struggles of finding the truth about themselves.
           This is my favorite series because I love the story behind it. The fact that it takes place in the 19th century makes everything more interesting to me. There is no one book in this series that I can pick out as my favorite, or least favorite. They all have a certain aspect of them that makes me like them all equally. I could read each of these books at any time and I would never get sick of them. 

Favorite Authors


              Everyone has those authors where they put out a new book and you immediately rush out to buy it. I tend to do that with only my favorite authors. I read a ton of books, but there are a few authors that I have read all of, or almost all of the books they've written. Those are the ones that I consider my favorite. I have three favorites. They are Jodi Piccolt, Nicholas Sparks, and Cassandra Clare.
               The first Jodi Piccolt novel I read was called The Pact. It was recommended to me by a friend. At first I thought that I wouldn't like it because at that point I was really into romance novels and this book sounded really morbid. I read it anyway, and it turned out to be one of my favorite books. I continued to read all of her popular books, I liked each one better than the next. There are few books that I haven't read by her. What I love about Jodi Piccolt is her ability to take a horrible and depressing topic and make it intense and lively. In every book that she has written, something unpredictable happens that changes the story completely. She also always manages to tie in specific messages into the end of her novels. For example in House Rules (my favorite novel by her) the idea of protecting your family is tied into the end of the story. She always writes wonderfully and I am always looking forward to another one of her books.
                   Since I started reading them in 7th grade, I have read every book that Nicholas Sparks has written. His novels are always love stories with a sad twist at the end. There are a few things that I have come to expect in every Nicholas Sparks book. They are a love story that goes through ups and downs, and the dramatic death of a character. Nicholas Sparks is always able to write characters that are easy to connect with and interesting to read about. My favorite novel by him would have to be A Walk To Remember. I loved the main character Landon, and hearing everything through his perspective. This book has an excellent love story, and a twist that you would not expect. The ending was extremely sad, however; it is a prime example of a great love story written by Nicholas Sparks.

                Lastly, Cassandra Clare is the author of two of my favorite series. They are The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. Both of these stories follow characters who are just discovering that monsters do exist, and are learning about the Shadowhunters. The shadowhunters are people who have angel blood and fight theses monsters and kill demons. Cassandra Clare has created an entirely new world in her novels that I have fallen in love with. Her novels are action packed, descriptive, and romantic. They make you want to keep reading them, and then start them again when you are finished. It is her creativity that makes her one of my favorite authors. I have read each book in both of the series listed above because I have fallen in love with the world that she created and the characters in it. I am looking forward to another series written by her.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Books Vs eBooks

              For my fifteenth birthday, my mom got me a kindle. She knew that I loved reading and she said that she heard good things about the kindle. At first, I was a little skeptical. I didn't know how I would feel about reading a book where I couldn't turn pages, or skip to the end and ruin the book for myself (which I did a lot). The first book I bought was Its Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini. The book was not my favorite, but It was interesting. However, reading on the kindle was so weird. I didn't like how light it was in my hands and that every time I accidentally tapped the screen, the page would change. I continued to get all of my books from the library. Eventually, going to the library every few days became and pain and I couldn't read nearly as many books as I wanted to. This being said, I picked up my kindle again. I bought a book called On the Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves, and I loved it. From that point on, I read all of my books on the kindle.
              That being said, I would defiantly say that I like eBooks better than regular books. It's not that I don't like regular books or don't read them anymore because I do. Its just that I read so fast that most of the time I start a book and, by the end of the day, I've finished it and moved on to another. This caused a lot of trips to the library. The kindle made it more convenient for me to get books quickly. Also, I've always had trouble finding new books to read. Amazon makes this easy, and it gives you suggestions as to what books you would like based on what you have read before. This is where I find all of my books now. I learned to love how light it was, and how I could read any of these books that I bought at any time. I would never be able to carry around the amount of hard-copies compared to the eBooks that I have in my kindle. One other thing that I enjoy about eBooks are how they are cheaper than regular books. Overall, I really like eBooks better because of how convenient they are, and how they are much cheaper than regular books.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Books of My Life

In my life I have read a ton of books, some of which I have loved, and others that I used to fill my free time. All of the book that I have read have shaped my life in some way. Some of them made me cry, laugh, and reconsider certain aspects of my life. Some have made me do all three. In all ways that they can, books have been a major part in shaping who I am today.

Favorite Childhood Book:
When I was a kid, my favorite book Oh, the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss. In this book, you get to follow a child as he encounters the crazy things that life brings him. We get to see what life will bring him. This was my favorite childhood story because I loved the colorful pictures and wacky things that he encounters along the way. Once I was old enough to realize the message of the story, I only loved it more. It is a story about growing up and how no matter what life throws at you, you have to keep moving forward.

Book that made me cry:
One of my all time favorite books was The Pact by Jodi Picoult. This book follows Emily and Chis. They have been best friends for as long as anyone can remember and they are next door neighbors. Their friendship eventually turns into something more. One day, Emily is found dead on the carousel that her and Chris used to hang out on. All of the evidence point to Chris being the killer, however, Chris wont talk. It then follows his trial, as well as Emilys thoughts and flashbacks from the past. This book was so well written and had an excellent story line. It made me cry multiple times and the ending was completely and utterly shocking. I love books like this because of the emotion that is involved. This is one of the many books that have made me cry.

Book that had Characters that I could identify with: 
Another one of my favorite books, one that made me laugh and cry, is House Rules by Jodi Picoult. This story is about Jacob Hunt, a teenage boy with Aspergers syndrome. He is terrible at reading social cues, but is extremely smart in many other ways. He is obsessed with forensic science and is constantly showing up at crime scenes. He is also constantly telling cops what to do, and he is usually right. When there is a murder in his home town, someone that he knows, the law enforcement takes Jacobs reaction (the way someone with Aspergers would normally react) to him being guilty. This book made me laugh, and cry. It was such a heartwarming story and the title really comes into play at the end of the novel. Since I know someone with autism, even though its no where near as bad as Jacobs, I really felt that I could Identify with Jacobs brother, Theo, and their mother. I can identify with the brutal intolerance that faces their family and how no one understands how Jacobs condition is. This book is extremely relateable to me and it is probably my all time favorite.

Favorite Book that went to the screen: 
My favorite book that went to screen was City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. In this book, Clary Frays mother goes missing after a series of strange events. Clary meets Jace, a shadowhunter who shows her all about a world that she didn't know existed. She goes on a journey to get her mother back. This book is the first in a series of 6 books. Five are currently out, one is coming out on May 27th. While I was kind of disappointed by the movie adaptation, the book continues to be one of my favorites. I'm really looking forward to reading the new one.

Book that I couldn't put down: 
A story that made me laugh was The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. This book is through the perspective of a dog named Enzo. Enzo longs to race cars. Hes learned about racing and the world around him by watching TV and listening to his owner and best friend, Denny. Denny is an up and coming race car driver. Dennys daughters name is Zoe. She is Enzos main companion throughout the story. Enzo finds that his life is just like a racetrack, and applys the rules of racing to his own life. He wants so badly for Denny to become an amazing race car driver. This story is hilarious, and, at the same time, heart-wrenching. It had my laughing and crying throughout the entire story and I fell in love with all of the characters. I couldn't put it down. As a result, I finished it in less than a day.

Favorite Series of Books: 
My favorite series of books is the Internal device trilogy by Cassandra Clare. It includes three books: Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince, and Clockwork Princess. This is a spin off of the Mortal Instruments Series, which includes City of Bones. It is during the reign of Queen Victoria and follows Tessa Grey. She goes from New York to London to find her brother, but instead she gets kidnapped. She gets saved by two people, Will and Jem, both of whom are Shadowhunters. Afterwards, Tessa takes refuge in the London institute and stays with the Shadowhunters. She becomes friends with all of them, but her brother has seemed to disappear. It is a story involving love, secrets, betrayal, and friendship. It is an amazing, well written, and intense series that will keep you interested the entire time you read it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Reading is one of my favorite things to do in my spare time. I'm a very fast reader and tend to read excellent books in a day or two, if not less. I approach reading everything by thinking about it as my favorite book of the moment. My favorite types of books are mysteries, dystopian, and romance, however I will read anything that catches my attention and keeps me interested. I tend to read really sad or emotional books. I love reading about new things because it gives me an insight and understanding to topics I wouldn't understand otherwise. The only books that I tend not to like are historical fiction, and nonfiction. I usually just don't think they're very interesting.
You should be interested in reading my blog if you are looking for a good book to read, typically mysteries or romance. If you don't like these genres, you probably would not be interested in reading my blog. I offer an interesting insight to the books that I read by approaching every book that I read like it will be my favorite. I also have a tendency to put myself in the shoes of the main character and imagine that I am them. A few of my favorite books are listed below.